Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Wonder whether there a theory for everything. From Big Bang to to the Black Holes of an outer mystic space there we find this young Stephen Hawking in Cambridge to enlighten us in future about the mystery of Big Bang. 

Great Scientists JJ Thomson and Earnest Rutherford worked in this lab to find electrons and atoms. A Professor guides an young Stephen  to the lab to motivate him from the hard walls of history later we heard the loud shudder of a bang which contradicted Einstein's theory that God does not play dice with the universe. 

Theory of Everything is a well crafted movie and a treat to those who love the mystery of space and universe in specific.

Theory of everything begins in Cambridge and ends in Cambridge. This movie takes one to the life of Stephan Hawking and how he achieves his dream fighting with Motor Neuron Disease which crippled him for life.

Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Johns gave life to their characters and they appeared very real from scene one to the end.

Theory of Everything is a great movie.

May be God plays Dice with the Cosmos....